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Heja jauna radio stacija (danceBEAT FM)
Baigi laba radio stacija ko ne?
It ka fm vilnos ari ira, tikai ne Riga kaut kur Rigas rajona! vinkarsi viniem nav pabeigta majas lapa (www.dance beatfm.lv)
Viktor @ sestdien, 2007. gada 13. janvārī 19:51

My name is Tito... Im working with developement organization HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE, maybe you know about it? we have a clouthes busines in Latvia. Our office is in Danmark.. The point is that we are looking for a young people to work with us in Afrika. At the moment we need more than 100 fresh and active people to take part in it..

The meaning of this letter is; could you inform latvian people about this possibilitie on your radio station? I think its a really good thing, because people can travel a lot and see afrika even with limited expenses.. I think this is the best way for people who wont to do something take action in it. We just started this action and looking for the people in Baltic states, so we dont have any experiences... Anyway, I could send you our poster as soon as I will get your positive answer..

waiting for your replay

Kind Regards
Tito Braga
DRH South Zealand
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