Biju pagaišgad Vācijā. DABs un FM smuki strādā paralēli. Izskatās ka Zviedri uz to pašu tendēti. Un pareizi ir, lai norvēģi ar savu Dabu cīnās, ir no kura kļūdām mācīties ;)
marss @ ceturtdien, 2020. gada 3. septembrī 21:03
Protams. Daļai cilvēku taču pret kaut ko ir jāprotestē. Daudzi, piemēram, protestē pret 5G. Kaut hobijs šajā jomā ir vajadzīgs. Brīnumu šeit nekādu. Ziņu avoti arī izcili (sliktā nozīmē) "Tajā pašā laikā ciparu radio (DAB) frekvences drīzumā var pārņemt bruņotie spēki" Līdzīgi taurē arī Kremļa propogandas rupors sputniknews. Lūk no kurienes aug kājas šim apgalvojumam.
Ielikšu dažus citātus no manas Facebook Messenger sarunas ar Kjellu Olafu no Norvēģijas.
"Some people like attention. For example, they have send articles to many newspapers in Norway last year about how people were tricked into accepting DAB, and switch off FM. The papers published these articles and many complained about DAB coverage. And many people do not understand that DAB is different, and that you have to learn how to use it properly.
And it is true that some cars are better than others, but many people with old cars, and not properly installed antennas have a problem.
And like most men, there is nothing wrong with my car and radio.
So it must be someone else’s fault. But there is nothing wrong with DAB coverage in Norway. But too many people do not know how to use DAB."
"This summer more people listened to radio in Norway. Advertising is up. Lots of local DAB stations around. In Molde, famous for its jazz festivals over many years, 7 local DAB stations, around Lillehammer about 11 local DAB stations. And like most of the anti DAB people, they have never worked in radio, and they don’t drive around in cars.
I worked for about 10 years in local radio in Oslo, and made programs for our national channel from 1981-1984."
"In our modern world, some people have to make decisions when it’s time to change how we transmit TV and radio, mobile phones and the Internet. If we left those decisions to the people we would not have colour Tv, mobile phones or the Internet."
"Digital mobile phone connections, Digital TV and digital radio is a technological change. In the last 10 years how we use media have changed tremendously. And is still changing. But it’s all digital."
"In Norway we had about between 1500-2000 FM transmitters, they used a lot of electricity, and only one channel was really nationwide.
The 2 others from the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation=NRK maybe 80-90 % and two commercial channels less than that.
Don’t know the exact numbers. NRK now has 13 channels all 99% nationwide. The commercial channels 18 all together."