Jelgavas radio ir pirāti, kuri raida no Lietuvas un Latvijas pierobežas. Šad tad viņus var uztvert uz FM 88,4.
Respektīvi Jelgavas radio pieder kaut kādam Haraldam. Taču viņus var klausīties internetā un viņiem skan vācu šlāgeru mūzika.
Ivo @ pirmdien, 2016. gada 20. jūnijā 16:51
Liepas pagasts digital tuning DAB radio
Janis.krastins @ svētdien, 2016. gada 30. oktobrī 16:40
Izlasiet manu liecību
Mani sauc maira Slavonskinm. es esmu no letvijas. Mana māte man teica, ka dodas tiešsaistē, un nāca klajā ar jose luis aizdevuma publikāciju, kurā teikts, ka viņas aizdevumu uzņēmums sabiedrībai izsniedz aizdevumu ar ļoti zemu procentu likmi.
Tātad, es sazinājos ar uzņēmumu pa viņas e-pastu: (
kas atrodas uz amata, kuru redzēja mana māte, un es pieteicos aizdevumu 8000 eiro apmērā uz 2 gadu periodu. Uzņēmums man atbildēja un nosūtīja man visus sava uzņēmuma noteikumus, kurus es biju izlasījis, un es tiem piekritu. Pēc aizdevuma pieteikuma apstiprināšanas es saņēmu paziņojumu no savas bankas, ka mans bankas konts, par kuru es norādīju, ka ir samaksāts, ir 8000 eiro. Aizdevuma atmaksu pabeidzu 18. decembrī un pēc tam nolēmu lūgt 32 000 eiro, lai sāktu savu biznesu, ko saņēmu savā bankā
Tāpēc es vēlos izmantot iespēju nosūtīt ziņojumu visiem, kas meklē uzticamu privātu aizdevēju internetā, lai pieteiktos aJose luis aizdevumiem pa e-pastu:,
Tālruņa numurs: +13075431042, ar viņiem varat sazināties arī vietnē Whatsapp: +13075431042. Varat arī sazināties ar mani, ja jums nepieciešama mana palīdzība vai vēlaties uzdot man jautājumus par to, kā es saņēmu aizdevumu. Šeit ir mans e-pasts: (]
ADSA @ otrdien, 2020. gada 1. decembrī 18:25
Recover Your Stolen Crypto with Retrievo Solution Hacker
As a renowned hacker-turned-security-expert and Chief Hacking Officer at KnowBe4, Retrievo Solution Hacker offers crypto investment scam recovery services with a 100% guarantee. With numerous positive reviews from satisfied clients, Retrievo Solution Hacker has helped many scam victims, including the elderly, recover their stolen cryptocurrencies without charging upfront fees. Don't lose hope. Reach out to Retrievo Solution Hacker to initiate the recovery process and regain control of your digital assets.
# The Rise of Crypto Scams
In recent years, the surge in cryptocurrency popularity has led to a significant increase in scams and fraudulent activities. This alarming trend has left numerous individuals devastated, seeking justice and recovery solutions.
# Comprehensive Recovery Solutions
Retrievo Solution Hacker, the Best Crypto Recovery Service, employs a multifaceted approach, combining:
1. Extensive research
2. Legal expertise
3. Strategic partnerships with authorities and financial institutions
The company's team of experienced professionals provides personalized recovery solutions tailored to each unique case.
# Empowering Victims
Our mission is to empower individuals affected by crypto scams," stated a spokesperson for Retrievo Solution Hacker. "We understand the emotional and financial toll these incidents take on victims. Our Best Crypto Recovery Service offers hope and a clear path to recovering lost assets."
# Accessing the Service
Victims of cryptocurrency scams can initiate the recovery process by visiting the Retrievo Solution Hacker website or contacting the team directly. The company conducts thorough case assessments and guides the recovery journey.
# A Trusted Ally
In a digital landscape where security is paramount, Retrievo Solution Hacker is a trusted ally for those navigating cryptocurrency recovery complexities. The launch of the Best Crypto Recovery Service marks a significant milestone in combating fraud and provides reassurance that help is available.
# About Retrievo Solution Hacker
Retrievo Solution Hacker is a premier recovery service that assists individuals affected by cryptocurrency scams and theft. With integrity and transparency at its core, the company provides effective solutions for recovering lost or stolen assets, empowering victims to regain control and confidence in their financial futures.
If you want to recover your loss, contact Retrievo Solution Hacker.
Maria Madalena Silva @ otrdien, 2025. gada 11. martā 18:16